For Group Enteries ONLY
1. Select your chosen wave
2. Select a Team Leader
3. The Team Leader enters their full details.
4. The Team Leader then provides just the name and emaildetails for each team member.
5. Make payment for the WHOLE TEAM amount.
6. Once payment is made each team member will receive an email link requesting personal details, so name address, date of birth, allergies etc. These details MUST be provided please, without them your team will not be permitted to race!
7. Once all team member details are received your place is confirmed.
8. BINGO! You're on the way to becoming iNVNCBL!
A few things to bear in mind...
- We really can't stress enough how important it is to ensure your team member email addresses are entered correctly. You'll be surprised how many people get this wrong, so please check, check and double check!
- The Team Leader is responsible for paying. So if you're in a team of 5 or 10 that's the TOTAL amount for each team member. No payment, no Team entry and you will lose your place.
For Individual Enteries ONLY
1. Select your chosen wave
2. Enter your details
3. Make Payment
4. Job done! You're on your way to becoming iNVNCBL!